Welcome to Fitness & Joy!
Thank you for visiting the yes2next blog.
Here you’ll find the latest videos, articles and inspiration to help you say “yes” to taking the next steps towards fitness and health.
Fitness and Joy at Any Age

5-Minute Energizing Walking Workout
Just starting to exercise or need a quick pick-me-up during your day? Try our 5 minute energizing walking workout that will get your heart pumping, loosen up your muscles and joints, and make you feel good. It’s an anytime anywhere workout that you can do seated or in a chair. You’ll rack up around 1200 steps – more or less depending on your pace.

Gentle Standing Wall Pilates for Seniors
Standing Wall Pilates is a gentle exercise routine that uses the wall as support, allowing you to perform a variety of movements that improve strength, balance, and flexibility.

Stretch & Go! Warm Up for Seniors & Beginners
This 5 minute Stretch & go Warm Up for Seniors, Beginners will help you stay flexible and energetic as you start your day or prepare for exercise.

5 Minute Kitchen Counter Workout
You don’t need fancy equipment to get a great workout. Get stronger with this easy 5 minute kitchen counter workout!

5 Minute Fat Burning Workout
This 5 Minute Fat Burn Workout No Jumping will improve your heart health in 600 steps.

5 Minute Beginner HIIT Workout #2
Get your heart rate up and burn calories with this quick 5 minute Beginner HIIT Workout

5 Minute Boxing Workout
This 5 minute boxing workout will get your heart pumping and get your body moving. It includes two rounds of five exercises.

15 Minute HIIT Workout #2
HIIT training has many benefits including improving your cardiovascular system and building strength and endurance. Try our 15-minute HIIT Workout with exercises in intervals of 20 seconds. Total workout equals about 1700 steps.

Should I be doing High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)?
HIIT training has many benefits including improving your cardiovascular system and building strength and endurance. Try our 15-minute HIIT Walking Workout with exercises in intervals of 30 seconds. Total workout equals about 1800 steps.

Core Floor Exercises
This floor exercise video will strengthen your core, working your glutes, hamstrings, abdominals, and back and hip muscles. Perfect for seniors and beginners.
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