Welcome to Fitness & Joy!
Thank you for visiting the yes2next blog.
Here you’ll find the latest videos, articles and inspiration to help you say “yes” to taking the next steps towards fitness and health.
Fitness and Joy at Any Age
Toned Arms in 15 Minutes: Upper Body Workout for Seniors
This 15-minute upper body workout features 10 effective exercises designed to tone your arms, strengthen your shoulders, and build a strong back—all with low-impact moves that are easy on the joints.
Boost Your Immunity in 13 minutes
Boost your immunity and energize your body with this gentle 13-minute workout, featuring both cardio and strength intervals.
15 Minute Strength Workout to Build Muscle
This 15-minute Strength Workout for Seniors will build muscle to keep you strong and independent.
18 Minute Workout to Reduce Joint Pain
This 18-minute workout includes 11 exercises that target your entire body, helping to improve mobility, gently move the joints, and build strength.
Stay Strong with these 10 Holiday Pilates Exercises
Feel merry, bright, and strong with these fun 10 Pilates-inspired holiday moves.
15 Minute After Eating Walk
This 15 minute walking workout is perfect for after eating to help manage blood sugar levels and improve your cardiovascular health, balance, and strength.
10 Exercises Every Senior Should Do
All older adults should do these 10 essential exercises to stay mobile and independent.
Gentle Standing Wall Pilates for Seniors
Standing Wall Pilates is a gentle exercise routine that uses the wall as support, allowing you to perform a variety of movements that improve strength, balance, and flexibility.
20-Minute Strength Workout: Isometric Exercises for Seniors
This low-impact, full-body workout is designed to build strength, improve stability, and enhance endurance without putting stress on your joints.
5 Essential Exercises to Improve Grip Strength for Seniors
These 5 simple and effective exercises are designed to help seniors improve their grip strength to help maintain their strength and independence.
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