15 Minute HIIT Workout #2

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This 15-minute high intensity interval training (HIIT) Workout will help improve your cardiovascular system and build strength and endurance. It can also help manage blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and lower abdominal fat while maintaining muscle.

The workout can be done in a chair or standing and equals about 1700 steps. It includes 5 exercises in 1 set, repeated 3 times. Each of the 5 exercises is done for 20 seconds with 20 seconds of active recovery. 

The goal is to challenge yourself during the 20-second exercise rounds to get your heart rate up. The work interval should feel like you are exercising “hard” to “very hard”. Using the talk test as a guide, you should be able to  carry on a conversation, with difficulty. The intensity of the recovery interval should be 40-50% of your estimated maximal heart rate -- this means physical activity that feels very comfortable, which will help you recover and prepare for your next work interval.

The five exercises in this workout are:

✅ Squat Jump

✅ Stationary one leg run

✅ Jumping Jack with forward and overhead hands

✅ Pulldown and twist 

✅ Front punches

If you're a beginner, go at your own pace and build up the intensity of the exercise portions gradually. The more you do it, the stronger you will become!

Learn more about HIIT training with our blog post: Should I be doing high intensity interval training?

Ready for a 20 minute workout? Try our 20 Minute All-in-One Workout or our 20 Minute Line Dance Workout #2!

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