5 Minute Fat Burning Workout

You can do anything for 5 minutes, right?! 

This 5 Minute Fat Burn Workout No Jumping will improve your heart health in 600 steps, more or less depending on your pace! This low impact HIIT exercise workout features 5 exercises in 30 second rounds with 20 seconds of rest. 

HIIT (high intensity interval training) includes alternating periods of high and low periods of exercise. The higher intensity activities can range from 30 seconds to two minutes and followed by short periods of active rest that lower your heart rate. 

Benefits of HIIT include improving:

✅ blood pressure

✅ cardiovascular health

✅ insulin sensitivity (which helps the exercising muscles use glucose for fuel to make energy)

HIIT can also help lower cholesterol levels and abdominal fat and body weight while maintaining muscle. On top of that, HIIT workouts can achieve similar fitness and health benefits in a shorter duration compared to exercise done at a steady level. More benefits in a shorter period of exercise time. Who doesn't want that?!

Also, in the largest randomized clinical study that evaluates the effect of regular exercise training on morbidity and mortality in older adults, both the physical and mental quality of life improved with HIIT training. Generation 100: Does Exercise Make You Live Longer

Want more HIIT workouts? Check out our HIIT playlist!

Also, this workout is one of many 5 minute workouts in the yes2next library. 

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