5 Easy Shoulder Exercises: Seniors, Beginners

Strong shoulders not only look great in the summer, they also play an important role in helping you lead an active life. 

The shoulder joint is the body’s most flexible joint, as well as its most complex. Three bones, nearly a dozen different muscles and many ligaments and tendons meet in the shoulder. It’s also known as the “rotator cuff” because of its function and position of its four supporting muscles, making it  possible for us to move our arms in any direction (raising and lowering them, swiveling them to the front or back and turning them inwards or outwards). These muscles surround the upper arm bone like a cuff.

Strong shoulders are important for seniors for several reasons:

  1. Maintaining mobility and independence: Strong shoulders help seniors perform daily activities such as lifting groceries, picking up grandkids and furbabies, reaching for things, and pushing doors open. 

  2. Preventing falls:  Strong shoulders help seniors maintain their balance and stability, reducing the risk of falling.

  3. Preventing shoulder injuries: Seniors are more prone to shoulder injuries due to age-related changes in their bones, joints, and muscles. Strengthening the shoulder muscles can help prevent injuries such as rotator cuff tears and shoulder dislocations.

  4. Improving posture: Strong shoulders help improve posture, which can reduce the risk of back pain and other musculoskeletal problems. Good posture can also make you look and feel more confident.

  5. Enhancing overall fitness: Strong shoulders can help seniors maintain good cardiovascular health, improve bone density, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

These 5 Easy Shoulder Exercises for Seniors and Beginners will strengthen muscles supporting the most flexible and complex joint in your body.

Strong shoulders are important for seniors to maintain mobility, prevent falls and injuries, improve posture, and enhance overall fitness. Plus strong shoulders look great in the summer!

This workout can be done in a chair or standing and  includes two sets of 5 exercises in 30 second rounds to enable you to work at your own pace. Aim for 10 reps. You can do this twice a week with at least one day of rest in between sessions. It can be added to any workout or done alone.

✳️ Internal and External Rotation

✳️ Rows

✳️ Chicken Arms (lateral arm lift)

✳️ Posterior Straight Arm Lift

✳️ Forward Arm Lift

Try our other shoulder workout here: 5 Minute Shoulder Workout

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