Easy 15 Minute Shoulder Band Routine for Beginners and Seniors

Strong shoulders not only look good in the summer, but they’re involved in almost every upper body movement including picking up your grandkids or fur babies, reaching for the glass on a shelf, or sweeping the floor. In addition, strong shoulders help improve posture which stabilizes your spine and enables your joints to function properly.

This Easy 15 minute Shoulder Band Routine for Beginners and Seniors features 5 exercises using resistance bands to strengthen muscles around your shoulders, which are the most complex joints in the body. (As a substitute, you can use light weights if you like!)

Depending on your fitness level, you can do one to three sets twice a week. They can be done on their own or as part of your two recommended weekly full body strength sessions.

Here are the five exercises:

✳️ Band Pull Apart

✳️ Overhead Shoulder Press

✳️ Side Raise

✳️ Front Raise

✳️ Bent Over Row

If you have shoulder issues, please check with your healthcare provider on the best exercises for you.  

If you need resistance bands, here are two options on Amazon: 

Tube-style Bands with handles (we use these in the video) -

Strappy Bands

By purchasing the equipment used in this video, we may receive a small commission. This helps us to continue to post free content on YouTube. Thank you for your support!

🌐 Want to try our other upper body strength videos? See our library here.

Also, here are some specific strength workout suggestions:

▶️ 5 Minute Shoulder Workout using dumbbells

▶️ 5 Minute Upper Body Chair Workout

▶️ 30 Minute Strength Training for Seniors And Beginners

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