25 Minute TUT Strength Training for Seniors and Beginners

In this 25-minute full body workout for seniors and beginners, we will build muscle from head to toe with a TUT or “time under tension” strength training approach. This strength workout slows down each exercise repetition, enabling you to learn the exercises slowly while building muscle!

This routine is perfect for people who want to start exercising or increase their strength levels. It's simple, straightforward and easy to follow, so you'll be able to do it at home anytime! After watching this video, you'll be able to start strengthening your body the easy way! 

We will do just 5 exercises and repeat them 4 times to really challenge your muscles! This all level workout can be done in a chair or standing. Join my mom for the seated workout or join me standing to increase the challenge and test your balance.

Here are the 5 exercises:

✳️ Rows

✳️ Bicep Curls 

✳️ Heel Raises 

✳️ Pulldowns 

✳️ Chair Stand Up or Sit to Stand / Squat 

TUT refers to the length of time a muscle is contracting against an external resistance. Muscles generate tension to move an external load (like a weight). In the case of a bicep curl, the contraction occurs when you bend your elbow and lift the weight. Lengthening occurs when you straighten your arm. In both actions, your muscle is under tension. 

A traditional set of 10 reps performed at a standard speed of one to two seconds lengthening and one to two seconds of contraction  may only take 15 to 20 seconds. Slowing the movement speed down to a four- to six-second lengthening phase followed by a two- to three-second shortening action for the same 10 reps can increase the amount of “time under tension” or TUT up to 90 seconds and cause the necessary mechanical damage and metabolic fatigue that results in muscle growth.

Want more strength workouts? Check out our library to build muscle: Free Strength Workouts

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