20 Minute HIIT Workout

This high intensity interval training (HIIT) workout burns fat and will strengthen your cardiovascular system and muscles overall.  It features three sets of four exercises (30 second intervals) each done twice. The first and third sets are cardio exercises and the second set focuses on strength training.

This workout is for all levels. April does the intermediate or more advanced version and Mom works it at Mom level!  We love that everyone can do this workout!

Exercise Set 1

✳️ One leg runs

✳️ Shuffle and squat

✳️ Step Outs

✳️ Rear lunges

Exercise Set 2

✳️ Double Arm Row

✳️ Core twist

✳️ Pulldown

✳️ Arnold Press

Exercise Set 3

✳️ Step Back, Arms Up

✳️ Heel touch, arms forward

✳️ Heels up, shoulder raises

✳️ High Knees

Is HIIT training right for you? Learn more here: Should I be doing High Intensity Interval Training

Ready for more HIITs? Our full library of HIIT workouts can be found here.

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