5 Minute Walking Workout

This 5-minute walking workout will get your heart pumping and has many uses. It is a great introduction to aerobic exercise, can be used as a warm up to any yes2next video, or can be a fun pick-me-up break during the day, especially if you’ve been sitting a long time. It will work your cardiovascular system and also strengthen your upper and lower body. It includes a warm up and cool down.

The warm up and walking workout portion is about 700 steps, more or less depending on your pace.

There are 2 rounds of 4 exercises in 30 sec rounds:

  • Front punches

  • Diagonal reaches

  • Chicken arms

  • Heel touches with bicep curl

Do our entire 5-minute workout series (including this Walking Workout) that will provide a 30-minute workout.


Easy Oven-Baked “Fried” Chicken


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