20 Minute Weight Loss Workout for Seniors, Beginners

Do you want to lose weight and get healthier? This 20 minute weight loss workout can help you get there. It is in a pyramid HIIT (high intensity interval training) format with 4 exercises – we start with one exercise for 30 seconds in the first round and add a new 30 second exercise in each following round until you reach the top of the pyramid. After that, we descend the pyramid and take away an exercise in each round until the final round has only one exercise. This workout for seniors can be done seated or standing and will rack up 2400 steps, more or less depending on your pace.

Do each exercise as fast as you can and modify the moves where needed. This workout can be done 2 or 3 times a week with at least a day of cardio rest in between.

To lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way, it's often recommended to combine a balanced and nutritious diet with regular physical activity. Always consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for personalized advice based on your specific health needs and goals.

Estimated calorie burn for: 

🔥 A 120 lb (54.4 kg) person: 61-66 calories 

🔥 A 200 lb (90.7 kg) person: 106–115 calories 

Please note that these estimates are rough calculations and don't take into account individual variations, such as fitness level, walking speed, terrain, and other factors that can affect calorie burn. Additionally, these estimates include the calories burned during the exercise itself and do not account for the calories burned at rest or through other activities throughout the day.

Need more cooldown, try this or any of the gentle stretching videos

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20 Minute Full Body Strength Training for Seniors, Beginners


Ultimate 10 Minute Workout Challenge for Seniors and Beginners