20 Minute Full Body Strength Workout

As we age, we lose muscle and bone density that can affect our ability to stay mobile and independent. The best way to combat this loss is to do strength training that challenges our muscles. 

Every week you should aim to do at least two sessions of full body strength work that target all of your muscles (upper body, lower body and core). These exercises complement cardio work that is important to strengthen your cardiovascular system -- you should aim to do at least 150 minutes of moderate cardio work a week that gets your heart rate up.

In our 20-minute Full Body Standing Strength Workout, we use dumbbells. But you can use water bottles or cans as well. The goal is to use a weight that is challenging for you. Let’s pump some iron!

In the video, we do two rounds of the following exercises:

✳️ Mini traditional squats

✳️ Rows

✳️ Mini sumo squats

✳️ Rows with tricep kickbacks

✳️ Reverse lunges

✳️ Bicep curls

✳️ Wood Chops

Ready for more Strength Workouts? Check out the variety of videos in our library!

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