10 Minute Tabata Workout #2

We’re back with a new 10 minute Tabata HIIT Workout! You’ll rack up about 1200 steps, more or less depending on your pace.

Tabata is high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that consists of eight sets of fast-paced exercises each performed for 20 seconds interspersed with a brief rest of 10 seconds.

Japanese researcher Izumi Tabata created the HIIT approach in a 1996 study to improve performance in elite speed skaters. Athletes in the study were asked to exercise on a bike, pedaling as fast as possible for 20 seconds, then resting for 10 seconds. They repeated the cycle for seven to eight rounds. The study found that this workout structure significantly improved cardiovascular health and endurance.  

This 10 minute tabata-inspired HIIT  workout features two exercises, each done 8 eight times with 10 seconds of rest in between.Between sets we do a bonus arm workout to build muscle! The goal is to try to do each interval as fast as you can. But listen to your body and adjust the pace so it works for you.

Estimated calorie burn: 

🔥 A 120 lb (54.4 kg) person: 31.5 - 34 calories 

🔥 A 200 lb (90.7 kg) person: 52.5 - 57 calories 

Please note that these estimates are rough calculations and don't take into account individual variations, such as fitness level, walking speed,, and other factors that can affect calorie burn. Additionally, these estimates include the calories burned during the exercise itself and do not account for the calories burned at rest or through other activities throughout the day.

You can do this workout 2-3 times a week. If you do it at a high intensity, it’s important to let your body rest (with gentle cardio, stretching or rest) before doing it again. 

Want more Tabata? Try these (create hyperlinks):

10 Minute Tabata HIIT #1

20 Minute Tabata

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