Upper Body Exercises for Seniors: Preserve Strength And Remain Active

Having a strong upper body is crucial for older adults to do daily activities with ease. Upper body exercises for seniors engaging in strength training will increase strength, boost mobility and improve your posture, enabling you to stay strong and independent.

Benefits of Upper Body Exercises for Seniors

There are many benefits of improving your upper body strength:

Enhanced Daily Functionality

Improving muscle strength for common tasks like carrying groceries and reaching for items on shelveset. will make these tasks easier and safer to perform with much less effort.

Improved Posture and Joint Health

Strengthening muscles and using them consistently will improve postures and joint health, alleviating discomfort and decreasing the risk of injury.

Reduced Risk of Falls

With added strength in the upper body, balance and stability improves which reduces chances of falling.

Best Upper Body Exercises for Seniors

It is best to start with using no weights in order to avoid injury. Gradually, add resistance band exercises with the use of body weight, water bottles, resistance bands, or with the use of dumbbells. Here are some upper body exercises to try. Aim for 8 to 12 repetitions and two to three sets with at least one minute of rest between sets.

1. Seated Shoulder Press

●       Sit upright with your feet resting firmly on the ground

●       Begin with your arms and elbows bent at 90 degrees and your hands gripping the waist with your palms facing each other

●       Extend your arms up over your head until fully straight, then return down to the starting position

●       This exercise strengthens the shoulders and arms

2. Wall Push-Up

●          Stand with your chest towards the wall, feet shoulder width apart

●          Place palm of hands on the wall at shoulder level

●          Bend elbows to lean toward the wall, and push up to to the starting position

●          This exercise strengthens the chest and arms

3. Resistance Band Row

●          Remain seated or stand upright with feet hip-width apart

●          Holding the ends of the resistance band with your hands at your sides, position the center of the band under the arches of your feet. With your arms straight, you should feel a slight tension in the band

●          Keeping your back straight, bend at the hips slightly and pull the bands towards your waist while squeezing your shoulder blades together. Hold for 2 seconds and lower your hands to starting position, straightening your arms

●          This activity engages the upper back and shoulder muscles

4. Lateral Arm Raises

●          Stand or sit and and hold the weights or alternative objects at your sides, palms facing in.

●          With a slight bend in the elbows, raise both arms so elbows are at shoulder height. Hold for 1-2 seconds and lower back down.

●          This exercise works the shoulders

5. Tricep Kickbacks

●          Seated or standing, bend slightly at the while keeping your back straight

●          Grasp weights or alternative objects and pull elbows toward your back so they are bent to a 90-degree angle

●          Straighten your arms and hold for 1-2 seconds. Return to the original position

●          This targets the tricep muscle

Forming a Routine: Out Of The Chair Exercises for Older People

Make it a habit:

●          Aim for two sessions, with at least one day of rest in between

●          Exercises can be combined into a 15-20 minute session including gentle stretches to warm up and cooldown.

Remaining Consistent and Motivated

Make it fun:

●          Exercising with friends or family can make the time fly

●          Turn on music to go with the flowor.

●          Try guided exercises, such as those on the Yes2Next Upper Body Workout Playlist


Routine upper body workouts are essential to do all the things you love and stay strong, mobile and independent.


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