DAY 4: New Year Challenge - MORE Walk & Dance!

We’re continuing the dance theme with Day 4 of the 7-day New Year challenge! Since you did such a great job learning the moves yesterday, we’re including some of them in today’s 25-minute workout that equals about 2400 steps. It will get your heart rate up, challenge your balance and coordination, and get your endorphins going.  Who doesn’t want a mood lifter?!

The workout includes 4 sets of 4 exercises, each done twice.  If you can’t get the steps down, no worries. Keep walking in place and keep practicing any challenging moves. The more you do them, the better your coordination will be! Practice makes perfect…and burns calories!

Also, remember to look out for the Secret Word to enter to win yes2next gear with our New Year Challenge Sweepstakes!

See you tomorrow for Day 5!


DAY 5: New Year Challenge - Walk & Strength #2


DAY 3: New Year Challenge - Walk & Dance Workout