Beginner Mobility

If you’re new to exercise or feel out of shape, we have the perfect workout to help you get on track. Our Get Moving Workout in a Chair will awaken all the muscles in your body and gently prepare them to move. For seasoned exercisers, this workout is a great way to get your body moving before a workout or during the day.

Like the old saying goes, you must walk before your run. This holds true for exercise as well. It is ok to be out of breath after walking for two minutes or not being able to lift a 2 pound dumbbell for 10 repetitions. The most important thing is to just start moving and build up your strength and endurance gradually.

This workout will increase your mobility and flexibility, preparing your muscles to do more advanced moves, including cardio and strength training. Try doing it everyday for one week and see how you feel. It is our hope that you feel a difference in your body to inspire you to keep moving. 

Here are the gentle moves in this workout:

✳️ Inhale/Exhale

✳️ Feet - Point/Flex and Circles

✳️ Knee Ups

✳️ Leg Lifts

✳️ Heel Raises

✳️ Gentle Twists

✳️ Goal Post Arms - Open/Close

✳️ Side Reaches

✳️ Bicep Curls

✳️ Pullbacks

✳️ Cooldown

When you’re ready to move on, try our variety of workouts, ranging from 5 to 50 minutes to help you improve your heart health and build muscle to get stronger. Our free Jumpstart to Fitness plan may be a perfect next step – it’s a 4-week program using yes2next videos to help you ramp up your exercise routine. Sign up for it here. Or try our 30-day Beginner Workout Plan using yes2next videos!

We understand it is challenging to start an exercise program and stay with it. We’re here for you.  We invite you to join our private yes2next Facebook group, a wonderful family of friends who are supportive and inspiring.

Also here are some tips on how to stay motivated. 

Wherever you are in your fitness journey, you have the power to get stronger. We’re excited to help you get healthier and achieve your goals. You can do it!

Stay up-to-date on our latest workouts and news! Sign up for our email list in the footer below.


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