30 Minute Walk & Dance

Get your steps in and your groove on with our new Walk and Dance Workout! You’ll strengthen your cardiovascular system, tone your muscles overall and improve your balance and coordination. It’s about 3000 steps, more or less depending on your pace during the walking breaks.

This is a “Plus and Minus” pyramid-style workout: six exercises added one at a time in six rounds and then subtracted one at a time in five rounds. Round one consists of Exercise 1: Round 2 consists of Exercise 1 and Exercise 2…and so on until you reach Round 6 that includes all six exercises. Next, we subtract an exercise with each round. Join us and follow along – we’ll keep moving and have fun along the way!

Here are the six exercise dance moves:

  • Swimmers - Side step and backstroke arm)

  • Step back/ Side step Arm up

  • Walk Front and Back

  • Side toe tap/ Arms open and up

  • Rainbow arms

  • Grapevine

 Want another 30 minute Walk & Dance workout? Check out our Day 3 New Year Challenge Workout: 30 Minute Walk and Dance Workout 2

Love climbing pyramids? Check out our other pyramid workouts: Pyramid Workouts

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