25 Minute Mini Band Workout

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This mini band workout will build muscle in your legs, glutes, arms, shoulders, back, and core. It can be done seated or standing. Resistance bands are great because you can adjust the tension to your own level.

Resistance training is important to combat the loss of muscle and bone that occurs as we age. Strong muscles and bones will enable us to be strong and independent as long as possible, lowering the risk of falls which are the number one cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries among older adults.

This workout will fulfill one of the twice weekly strength training sessions recommended by the Centers for Disease Control in addition to 150 minutes of moderate cardio work.

In the video, we do two rounds of the following exercises:

✳️ Chair Standup/Squats

✳️ Knee ups

✳️ Leg Lifts

✳️ Shoulder Raises

✳️ Pullbacks

✳️ Tricep Extensions

✳️ Bicep Curls

For this workout, you can use one of three types of bands that can be found online or in stores. Below are links to purchase them on Amazon:

Mini loop resistance bands

Strappy Bands

Tube Bands with handles

For this workout, the strappy-type bands and tube bands should be tied in a circle with tension in the band when you have them around your wrists shoulder-width apart.

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Want more resistance band workouts? We have a Standing Band Workout, a Band Workout in a Chair, and a 20 Minute Walk & Strength Workout.

Ready for more Strength Workouts? Check out the variety of videos in our library!

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