8 Standing Band Exercises


Our Standing Resistance Band Workout will help increase your overall strength and challenge your balance. It includes 8 exercises in 10 minutes. In it, my mom shares her thoughts on standing versus chair band workouts. 

I love working with bands because they can provide constant resistance to your muscles in both the contraction and lengthening phases -- which builds muscle.

Ideally, a workout like this one should be part of a weekly regimen of strength training twice a week with 150 minutes of moderate cardio work. If this sounds like a lot, the important thing is to just get moving on a regular basis. After getting a green light from your doctor, start out with 5 or 10 minutes of any activity of your choice 3 days a week -- walking, biking, or swimming and build up from there. With strength training, try out one of the yes2next workout videos at your own pace.

Do the Standing Band Workout with us below. If you need bands, my mom and I use two kinds in this video: 1) Strappy Bands and 2) Tube Bands with handles — both are available on Amazon. (Note: We receive compensation for referrals that we use to create these videos - thanks in advance!)

Here are the 8 exercises in the video:


Side Steps

  • 5 reps / left and right

  • Works the hips

  • Step both feet on the bands with feet together

  • Criss cross the bands in front of you and place them securely on your hips

  • Step to the right, feeling the resistance of the band

  • Bring foot back to center

  • Do five times

  • Repeat on the left side



  • 10 reps

  • Works glutes, legs, core

  • Both feet on the bands, feet hip distance apart

  • Hold bands in both hands at your side with tension

  • Bend knees slightly

  • Sit your hips back as if sitting in a chair

  • Slowly stand up

  • Do 10 reps


Upright Rows

  • 10 reps

  • Works shoulders, arms

  • Both feet on the bands, feet hip distance apart

  • With straight arms, hold bands with light tension in both hands with backs of hands facing forward

  • Pull up bands to shoulder level

  • Lower bands to starting position


Pull Aparts

  • 10 reps

  • Works the back, shoulders, arms

  • Hold band at chest level shoulder width apart with no tension

  • Move elbows back, pulling apart the band (imagine you are bringing your shoulder blades together)

  • Go back to starting position


Knee Ups

  • 10 reps

  • Works core, hips, balance

  • Fold the band in half and hold shoulder width apart with slight tension

  • Hold band at chest level

  • At the same time, touch left hand on top of right knee

  • Go back to starting position

  • At the same time, touch right hand on top of left knee

  • Do 5 each side for a total of 10 reps


Forward/Side Shoulder Raises

  • 5 reps / left & right

  • Works shoulders

  • Step right foot on the band and hold the band at your side with slight tension

  • Lift the right arm forward

  • Lower right arm

  • Lift right arm to the side

  • Do 5 times

  • Repeat on left side


Tricep Punches

  • 5 reps / left & right

  • Works triceps

  • Hold band in right hand and place firmly on right hip, other side of band in left hand with elbow bent, arm at shoulder level.

  • Punch out and lengthen band

  • Return to starting position

  • Do 5 reps

  • Repeat on the other side, left hand on left hip


Bicep Curls

  • 10 reps

  • Works biceps

  • Both feet on the bands, feet hip distance apart

  • Hold bands in each hand, palms facing up

  • Bend elbows, bringing hands to shoulders

  • Straighten arms to starting position

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