DAY 2: New Year Challenge - Walk & Strength Workout

Great job on completing Day 1 of the New Year Challenge! Day 2 is a Walk and Strength Workout with two parts: 20 minutes of cardio to strengthen your cardiovascular system and 15 minutes of strength training to build upper and lower body muscles. There are also warmups and cooldowns for each segment. 

No equipment is needed for the cardio segment, which is about 2000 steps. The strength portion can be done without weights if you are just starting out (try to clench your fists to engage your arm and hand muscles). But if you can, use weights that feel light and medium in weight for you – resistance builds muscle. A good guide for a medium weight is: for a given exercise like a bicep curl, it should be challenging to lift after 8 repetitions.  Some options: 2lb to 8 lb dumbbells, water bottles, or cans.

Also, remember to look out for the Secret Word to enter to win yes2next gear with our New Year Challenge Sweepstakes!

Fun to move with you today! See you tomorrow for Day 3!


DAY 3: New Year Challenge - Walk & Dance Workout


DAY 1: New Year Challenge - 30 Minute Walk