6 Lower Back Stretches

Lower back pain can have many causes, including an underlying health condition or a result of too much sitting. It is important to check with your doctor on the specific causes of pain and remedies. While stretching may not alleviate all lower back pain, it can provide relief. 

In this video, we share six gentle moves that stretch muscles that can contribute to lower back issues. The six exercises can be done on the floor or in bed. 

Single Knee to Chest

Double Knee to Chest Stretch

Hamstring Stretch

Pelvic Tilt

Figure 4

Hip Flexor Stretch (on floor and in bed)

These stretches can be done once or twice a day. If you feel any pain or feel very sore, take a day off from stretching.Listen to your body and do what feels best for you.

As you go through these stretches, take your time and pay close attention to your breathing. Use your breath as a guide to make sure you don’t strain or overdo it. You should be able to breathe comfortably and smoothly throughout each pose or stretch.

Want more gentle stretches? Check out our Stretching library!

Need to strengthen your back? Try our Gentle Back Workout.

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