30 Minute Pyramid Walking Workout

This 30 minute cardio workout will improve your cardiovascular system, balance, and endurance. You will engage your entire body with six fun exercises that will rack up about 2500 steps, more or less depending on your pace.

Here’s the format. It’s a “Plus and Minus” pyramid-style workout with a twist: There are six exercises added one at a time in six rounds and then subtracted one at a time in five rounds. Round one consists of Exercise 1: Round 2 consists of Exercise 1 and Exercise 2…and so on until you reach Round 6 that includes all six exercises. Next, we subtract an exercise with each round so that the very last round consists only of Exercise 6. Join us and follow along – we’ll keep moving and have fun along the way!

Here are the six exercises:

  ✅ Side step

  ✅ Side step/arm throw

  ✅ Toe taps/boxing circles

  ✅ Side step/goal post arm

  ✅ 3-step/knee up

  ✅ Up and reach

Want more pyramid workouts? Check out our Pyramid Playlist!

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