25 Minute Belly Fat Burning Workout

This 25 minute workout is designed to help you blast that pesky belly fat. It includes a 8 minute strength training session to build muscle and a 15 minute HIIT workout to burn calories. Want to learn more about belly fat and how to reduce it? Check out our deeper dive on the topic.

We kick it off with a warm up, followed by an 8 minute muscle building strength session and a 25 minute fat burning HIIT workout. More muscle means a stronger you and increased metabolism - muscle burns more calories than fat! The high intensity interval training workout will even burn more calories after your workout!

What do you need? Pick up some weights for the strength portion – I have 5 pound and 8 pound weights by by side and Mom has 2 and 3 pounds. If you’re just starting out, don’t use any weights and add them when you get the moves down and are ready to move up. Water bottles or cans are great starter weights. No equipment is needed for the HIIT but if you want to add a challenge, pick up some light weights. 

This workout is for everyone. Mom does it in a chair and I do it standing. 

Want more ways to build muscle and burn fat? Check out our Strength Workouts and HIIT workouts?

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