25 min Cardio & Strength HIIT Workout

This full body workout combines cardio and strength exercises in high intensity interval training (HIIT) format. You’ll strengthen your heart and muscles overall, while improving your balance, coordination, and endurance. 

Here’s the format: There are two sets of 4 exercises each done twice with alternating 40 second (strength) and 30 second (cardio) exercise rounds

Exercise Set 1

✅ Hinge/Bicep Curl (strength)

✅ Hinge Slam (cardio)

✅ Step back/Wood Chop (strength)

✅ Side step or Grapevine (cardio)

Exercise Set 2

✅ Side Step/2 Dumbbells (strength)

✅ Side Step/Chicken arms (cardio)

✅ Step out/Tricep Kickback (strength)

✅ Skater (cardio)

Estimated number of calories burned:

✳️ 120 lbs or 55 kgs: 150 cals

✳️ 200 lbs or 91 kgs: 250 cals

You can do this workout in HIIT mode once or twice a week. Or do it every other day at a more leisurely pace. Be sure to build in at least one day of rest between sessions. Some soreness is good - it means you’re building muscle. But listen to your body – rest until soreness subsides.

Should you be doing HIIT workouts? Yes! Learn more about HIIT workouts and whether they are right for you here.

Want more HIIT workouts? Check out our HIIT playlist!

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