20 Minute All-in-One Workout

Want an overall body workout? Try our new and efficient All-in-One Workout!

This 20 minute workout includes a Warm Up, Balance Work, Cardio and Strength Work, and a Cooldown. The Cardio and Strength portion of the workout has three sets of heart-pumping cardio in 30 second rounds and two sets of upper body strength work.

The workout can be done with bodyweight only or weights during the Strength segment.

Balance Work

  • Toe tap forward and back 

  • Knee up with Opposite Hand

Cardio Work - 30 second rounds

  • Double mini squat/Arms Up

  • Skater with Side Punches

  • Knee Up with Opposite Arm Up

  • Arms Up with Turns Right, Center and Left

Strength Work

  • Overhead Press

  • Overhead Press with Bicep Curl

  • Row 

  • Row with Tricep Kickback

Want to try more strength workouts? Visit our library of strength videos.

Ready for a 30 minute workout? Try our 2021 Mom’s Day Workout and our 30-minute Intermediate Workout.

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25-minute Intermediate Cardio & Strength Workout


Easy Oven-Baked “Fried” Chicken