10 Minute After Eating Walking Workout

Feeling full after that big meal?

Experience the positive impact of our 10-Minute After Eating Walking Workout on your health and mood after taking that last bite! This efficient routine not only quickly lowers blood sugar but also enhances cardiovascular health, balance, and endurance.

Join mom and me in this fun blend of walking exercises, crafted to engage both your upper and lower body. Alternate between 30-second intervals of dynamic moves and 20-second intervals of classic walking, achieving approximately 1200 steps in just one session – adjust the pace to suit your comfort.

Curious about the calorie burn? Here's a quick estimate:

🔥 120 lb (54.4 kg): 32-35 calories

🔥 200 lb (90.7 kg) person: 53-58 calories

Did you know? Experts say even a brief two to five minutes of movement can significantly impact blood sugar levels. It’s best to take action as soon as you can after eating since blood sugar levels spike 60 to 90 minutes after eating.

So let’s get moving after eating to burn calories and get healthier! 

Want more walking workouts? Check out our library of walks.

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