Energizer Warm Up #3

Need a quick energizer that will get your heart rate up and improve your balance?

Try our new 10-minute Energizer Warm Up video that can be a warm up to yes2next videos or light workout when you’re short on time. Plus you’ll get in about 1200 steps, more or less depending on your pace!

While the big goal is to do 150 minutes of moderate cardio work (walking, dancing - anything to get your heart pumping) and two full body strength sessions each week, we all have days when we’re busy and don’t have time or don’t feel like exercising. This is ok in the big scheme of things. For your health, try to be as consistent with moving as much as possible – even moving one minute or doing light stretching counts! 

Want other gentle warm ups? Check out our first two Warm Up videos:

..and our Stretching videos!


15 Minute Beginner HIIT Workout


Gentle Cardio & Strength Workout - No Twisting or Bending