AARP Bulletin features yes2next

So surprised to see a familiar face in the December 2022 AARP Bulletin! Such an honor to share the yes2next story, which received more than 1.7 million views of the 3 million views of its Real People, Real Stories series!

We’re honored to have created a set of exercise videos with AARP as well. The videos include our 10-minute All-in-One Workout , two workouts featuring exercises from AARP’s book The Whole Body Reset, and a series of exercise tutorials:

✳️ Glute bridge

✳️ Chair Standup

✳️ Bird Dog

✳️ Wall Push Up

✳️ Plank

✳️ Reverse Lunge

Thank you so much for supporting us and being part of the yes2next journey.❤️

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Shoveling Stretches


20 Minute Step & Strength