5000 Step Walking Workout

Want a longer at home walking workout to get your steps in? This 60 minute walk is just the ticket!  Mom gets in 5000 steps with this walk, but you may rack up more or less depending on your pace. 

The workout features  6 sets of 4 exercises in intervals of 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 seconds (in each set, you’ll do all four exercises for 60 seconds each) Add more challenge by adding light weights or increasing the tempo during intervals.

Some notes:

  • Clear your workout area. If you have loose rugs, move them out of the way or tape them down.

  • Stay hydrated and have water handy. Drink during breaks.

  • Go at your own pace. This is a long workout so rest when needed. It’s ok to pause the video and take a break.

  • If you want more challenge, pick up some light weights and/or pick up the pace during the intervals.

Lace up your shoes and let’s go!

Want more walking workouts? Check out our library of walks! Walking Workouts

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