15 Minute Intermediate Strength Workout

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This is an intermediate strength workout that will strengthen your upper and lower body and core - arms, shoulders, back, abdominals, glutes, and legs. It is a workout that I do at home -- I do 3 sets in one session. Exercises are modified for my mom and beginners. A warm up and cooldown are included.

Strength training builds muscle and increases bone density. To build muscle, it is important to use weights that are challenging and yet doable to lift. If you're a beginner, start with no weights and then build up slowly until you can use a weight (Water bottles or cans are a good start.). One way to determine if you are using the right weight is to monitor the number of repetitions of a given exercise. If you're breezing through an exercise by 10 reps with no fatigue, then you should be able to use a heavier weight. Use a weight that is challenging and yet doable by 8 to 10 reps.

The six exercises are:

Pushups - 15 reps (Tutorial on wall pushup here: https://bit.ly/yes2nextmom) -

Lateral arm raises - 30 reps

Overhead tricep extensions - 15 reps

Lateral lunges - 20 reps

Burpees - 10 reps (Just step back one foot at time if you can't jump both feet back.)

Dumbbell swings - 20 reps

Bicep Curls - 20 reps

Want a cardio workout? Try our 30 minute Intermediate Cardio Workout.

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