How to Pick the Right Weight

Strength training is important to build muscle and increase bone density. This is especially important for seniors to help prevent falls, the number cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries among older adults. 

In this video,  we teach you how to pick the right weight for strength training.  We use dumbbells in this example, but the rules apply to any resistance training you do, including using resistance bands.  

First and foremost, you should do any strength exercise with good form. After you have mastered the form with little or no weight, add more resistance or increase repetitions for more challenge. 

It is important to pick a weight that is challenging and not too light. Always listen to your body and if you struggle lifting a weight once or twice, it’s too heavy. 

After a strength workout, it is normal to feel some soreness in your muscles – this means you’re building muscle. Rest until the soreness subsides and be consistent with your strength training. You will get stronger over time. 

Aim to do two full body strength sessions per week – with at least one day of rest in between sessions (Listen to your body – if you’re sore, rest until the soreness subsides.). Do this in addition to getting 150 minutes of cardiovascular exercises for optimal health.

We invite you to try this approach with our many Strength Training Workouts.

Let’s pump some iron!


25 minute Intermediate HIIT Workout


Lose Weight with The Whole Body Reset