5-minute HIIT Workout

Want a quick energizer workout?

This 5 minute high intensity interval training session (HIIT) will get your heart rate up and burn calories! This workout can be done standing or in a chair. Benefits of HIIT include improving:

  • blood pressure

  • cardiovascular health

  • insulin sensitivity (which helps the exercising muscles use glucose for fuel to make energy)

It can also help lower cholesterol levels and abdominal fat and body weight while maintaining muscle.

This workout includes five exercises in 30 second rounds with 20 seconds of rest in between intervals. 

  1. Jumping Jack

  2. Fast Arms

  3. In in out out

  4. Knee ups

  5. Punch ups

    Learn more about the benefits of HIIT in our blog Should I be doing High Intensity Interval Training?

Ready to HIIT it even more? Check our our HIIT Playlist!

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