40 Minute All-in-One Workout

Want an efficient workout that checks all the boxes? 

Try our new 40 minute All-in-One workout that includes a Warm Up, Cardio Walk, Strength Training, and Stretching. The Cardio Walk portion of the workout has two sets of five exercises in 30 second rounds each done twice. It is followed by lower and upper body strength training. Balance work is incorporated throughout the session. Plus, you’ll get in 2000 steps!

The workout can be done with or without weights during the Strength segment.  For the upper body workout, Mom uses 2 pound weights and April uses 5 pound weights. You can also use water bottles, cans, or bags of beans. For the lower body portion, Mom uses 2 pound ankle weights to provide more resistance.

Ankle weights can be found online or at retail stores, often at discounted prices. Here is an example of one set of 2 pound ankle weights: https://amzn.to/3sZ7u9T

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Gentle Cardio & Strength Workout - No Twisting or Bending


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