Don’t Skip This Step Before Working Out

If you're in a rush, you may skip the warm up and jump right into exercising. But is this ok?

The answer is a resounding NO! Warming up should be an essential part of your workout. But how should you do it?

In one word: move! 

For yes2next workouts in the 5 to 15 minute range, we recommend doing five to 10 minutes of gentle dynamic movement to get your blood flowing, raise your heart rate, and wake up your muscles and joints to help prevent injury. 

It’s important to warm up the parts of your body that you’re going to work out. If you’re doing a full body workout, then your warm up should address your lower and upper body and core. Check out our new warmup video that will get you your whole body moving.  We improved the sound and lighting in this latest video -- we hope you like it! If you’re new to exercising, it can be a great starting point to do other yes2next workouts and build your strength.

Static stretching -- or holding a stretch for a set amount of time -- should be done AFTER your workout. Doing it before exercising with cold muscles could lead to injury.

So make your workout count and don’t skip this important first step. Your body will thank you.

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