5 Exercises to Strengthen Your Legs


As we age, staying independent and preventing falls are major priorities. Here’s a sobering statistic:

  • Every 11 seconds, an older adult is treated in the emergency room for a fall; every 19 minutes, an older adult dies from a fall (Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

Having strong legs can help you stay you mobile and prepare you to avoid falls. 

Leg work should be one part of your strength training that includes upper body and core exercises. In addition, for optimal health, you should incorporate cardio work and balance and flexibility exercises into your life. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of moderate intensity cardio work every week and strength sessions two days a week.

My mom and I are excited to share our 10-minute Leg Workout -- five exercises for seniors and beginner exercisers. Below are the directions for each exercise. You can also do the full workout with us on YouTube here!

The only equipment you need is a sturdy chair. 

Warm up before doing the exercises -- you can do the yes2next warm up video or do 5-10 minutes of activity on your own.

Leg Lifts - strengthens front thighs

  • Sit in a chair, feet firmly planted on floor hip distance apart

  • Engage your core and sit up, shoulders back and down

  • Put hands on thighs or on sides of chair

  • Extend lower leg by lifting left foot, toe pointing up

  • Do 10 reps

  • Repeat with right leg

Squat - strengthens legs, hips, glutes and core

  • Feet hip distance apart

  • Hold on to chair lightly for stability

  • Sit your butt back as if you’re sitting, weight in your heels

  • Stand up

  • Keep your knees behind your toes as you squat, don’t let knees cave in

  • Do 10 reps

Back Leg Extension - strengthens hamstrings (back thighs) and glutes

  • Feet hip distance apart

  • Hold on to chair lightly for stability

  • Slight bend in standing right leg

  • Left leg can be slightly bent

  • Extend left leg straight back, lift it up and then lower down

  • Do 10 reps and repeat with right leg

Leg Curls - strengthens hamstrings

  • Feet hip distance apart

  • Hold on to chair lightly for stability

  • Slight bend in standing right leg

  • Bend knee to move your heel toward your butt 

  • Keep knees aligned side to side as you do exercise

  • Do 10 reps and repeat with right leg

Heel Raises - strengthens calves

  • Feet hip distance apart

  • Hold on to chair lightly for stability

  • Lift your heels so you are on your toes

  • Engage your core and stand tall

  • Do 10 reps

  • Hold for 5 seconds on the 10th rep

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