5 Minute Core Workout

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Strengthening your core is important for any movement you do. Your core helps stabilize your spine and enables it to move. It includes all the muscles from your rib cage to your pelvis: the abdominals in front  (your “six pack”) that are responsible for flexion of the spine; obliques on the sides, which enable you to twist or bend laterally; back muscles including those that are on both sides of your spine that serve as stabilizers. Your glutes (butt muscles) and hip muscles also help stabilize your spine in addition to their other functions.

If you’re a beginner, do our 5-minute Core Workout to help you get started on strengthening our core. If you’re a more advanced exerciser, do it for a quick break or do our Standing Core Workout. 

The four exercises are:

Pillow twist - left/right: 8 reps

Pillow pulldowns - 8 reps

Diagonal punches - 8 reps

Cat/cow - 5 reps

Want more from our 5 Minute series? We have a 5 Minute Upper Body Workout and 5 Minute Lower Body Workout.

On a related note, in many of videos, we ask that you “engage your core.” In our blog post, How to Engage Your Core, we explain how to activate this important part of the body to protect your spine and help prevent injury.

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How to Engage Your Core


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