10 Minute Lower Blood Pressure Workout

Do you want to lower your blood pressure or manage it?

You’re not alone, over 65% of adults aged 60 years and older in the United States have high blood pressure. 

What’s one solution to lower blood pressure that doesn’t cost anything and you can get it anywhere?

If you guessed exercise, you’re right! All forms – cardio, strength training, stretching – can all help lower blood pressure over time.

Exercises that are particularly beneficial for lowering blood pressure are:

  • Cardio Exercise including brisk walking, cycling, swimming, and dancing strengthens the heart and improves circulation.

  • Resistance or strength training exercises, such as lifting weights or using resistance bands build muscle mass and can improve metabolic function. 

  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT) improves cardiovascular health and involves alternating between short bursts of intense exercise and periods of rest or lower intensity exercise.

  • Mind-body exercises like yoga and tai chi can help reduce stress, improve flexibility, and promote relaxation, all of which may contribute to lower blood pressure levels.

  • Moderate-intensity activities such as gardening and hiking may not be as intense as traditional aerobic exercise but still provide benefits.

Consistency is important to see the benefits of exercise including blood pressure management. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting a new exercise program.

This 10 minute workout checks two exercise boxes: walking and strength training. It  features 7 intervals that alternate 40 second exercise rounds with 20 seconds of brisk walking. We do the full circuit twice. This workout can be done seated or standing. You may want to use a resistance band for the chest press strength exercise (but it can be done without a band as well.)

  • Walking Lunges

  • Brisk Walk

  • Chest presses with band

  • Brisk Walk

  • Side Leg lift 

  • Brisk Walk

  • Seated lean backs with reaches

In addition to this workout, we have a full library of workouts that can help lower your blood pressure. Here is a link to our HIIT playlist!

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